Crucial Considerations in Tannery Wastewater Treatment
Tannery wastewater generated in the leather processing industry often contains high level of total suspended solids (TSS) which can be contributed by a wide range of particulate matter, such as organic materials, residues from chemicals used in tanning processes, and other solid contaminants. Apart from TSS, residues of dyes and pigments can be present in the wastewater, contributing to its color. The direct discharge of tannery wastewater into the water bodies without adequate treatment can lead to significant water pollution harming the ecosystem.

Our Solution
Our NanoPureTM membrane is able to remove total suspended solids (TSS) and color efficiently from the tannery wastewater. Moreover, it does not require frequent cleaning with chemicals owing to its anti-fouling feature. In contrast to the conventional spiral-wound NF membrane, our membrane possess a higher maximum allowable TSS limit, enabling the treatment of wastewater with high TSS level.
> 95% TSS removal
> 95% color removal
Excellent anti-fouling properties (feed TSS up to 120 ppm)
Tannery wastewater TSS removal with NanoPureTM
Ranipet, India (2022)

Balotra, India (2022)